Monday, July 28, 2008

Stop Consuming

I came across this website because I saw it on a shirt on one of the members at Artisan and briefly overheard that member describing it to someone who had asked about it. seems, at first glance, to be part of a movement to raise awareness about the growing culture of consumerism in American churches and American Christians.  This idea, of course, is something that has been bugging me lately.   

Anyway, I think that the Shema movement (which is the movement associated with the website) wants to encourage people (Christians) to get out of a consumers mindset and go do something-no matter what that something is-for the sake of Christ.  

I'm not going to jump into any movement for the sake of being in a movement.  I'm not that kind of activist.  I'm not any kind of activist, really.  Rather, I think I am one of those consumers. This could account for my disgruntled-ness as what bothers me about others is the same thing that bothers me about myself.  I'm not doing anything. I sit at church and compare bands and judge sermons and then leave relatively unchanged.  

I wonder if I've become fat with Jesus or overfilled. A glass that has been overfilled with water spills over and creates a mess. Indeed, water is necessary.  But too much water is destructive.  I wonder if this is my problem.  I'm overfilled and instead of doing something with all the excess, it has become destructive.  I am cynical, overly critical, angry, arrogant and lazy.  

So now I just need to figure out what to physically do.  I don't know if being angry at "x-brand Christianity" means I should do something about x-brand Christianity or if I'm mad at x-brand because I am x-brand to some extent.  In that case I should do something about being x-brand. Maybe it is a little of both.  I guess I'll let you know when I find out.

As always, feel free to leave comments, especially if you know a little something more about this Shema thing.         


1 comment:

Scottish said...

Fascinating series of entries lately, Mel.

I think it's great to be examining this sort of stuff. I've noticed myself doing it recently, propagated by two occurrences: taking the financial course and becoming a part of the leadership team. The financial course has really challenged me to take a hard look at some of my consumerist behavior, and being on the leadership team has caused me to look at Christianity and what "brand" of it we want to employ at Artisan. (Though I think I have a problem with the language used there... "employing" a "brand" of Christianity.)

As always, the answers aren't easy. I mean, sure, it's easy to say "I'm not going to spend as much money on meaningless junk," but the lines are blurry; the areas grey.